Monday, June 22, 2009

Memphis Meltdown: Gories, Oblivians Reunion 2009

It's been 15 years...yeppers, a decade and a half since the Gories and ten years since the Oblivians graced a stage...I wasn't there in that original heady time of the modern garage slop story...but I am no longer left behind...improbably that time came again & I was lucky enuf to witness it...

Now reunion shows on the whole taste like sour milk to me, but this was the Gories and the Oblivians sharin' the sweet grimy garage-ville wildspot: Memphis, TN ...& I still ain't stop shakin'!

the Gories (right) & the Oblivians press pix from back in the day

The novel plan was to only catch the first nite of a two-niter that kicked off their joint-reunion, grand world tour...& holy fuck was that a magical much so that fuck-me-runnin' if we didn't go fer round two the next nite...

As fer the show itself...well can ya say "HOT"?!? Both figuratively and literally...the venue was a goddamn sauna and both groups were on fire, baby...
To be fair the Gories opened both nites and yeah, Mick's voice sounded a bit on the pre-pubescent side and the band at times a smidge wonky, but what I heard was the heart of the Gories, bleedin' and bouncin' all over the place...Dan a wailin', Peg keepin' it poundin' and Mick just gettin' it...just great to these ears!
Then each nite the Oblivians swooped in fer the they never missed a beat (& I'm willin' to wager they did I bit mo' of the pre-tour practicin' to boot)...Frantic bulldozers couldn't hold a candle to Greg, Eric, & Jack's sonic sweeping-force...seein' 'em in full rotation (with a added bonus of Mr. Quintron joinin' the band fer the last few numbers on the second nite -- wowzers!)...well kids, some folks go to church to get right with god...doesn't get much mo' spiritual fer me than that sweaty nite at the Hi Tone...

...My mind is still rattlin' around in my noggin here several days later as I write this scrawl...let me just wrap up before it blows...if there are any doubts about garage-greats from the early-ninties & whether they can still knock it out...the Gories & (especially) the Oblivians solid gots it, baby, and they hit the fucker straight outta sight.

& that's how a reunions show's supposed to go?....

Below are a few pix my sweaty and shaky ass took via camera phone when I could catch my be warned photo-nazis--they ain't all too pretty...



Hopefully mo' (& better) pix to come!

Dig it.