Snag yerself an official Get Wets koozie! ...your Passport to Partyland!™
Dig the stylish and so-phisticate Get Wets logo emblazoned upon a brite white bottle/can hugger...
"So how do I jump on the bonzo bit and get my filthy mits on this wondrous beverage wrapper?", ya ask...
Well come see us do it to it live and we will gladly exchange 1 primo Get Wets koozie fer only 3 of yer grubby greenbacks, baby! Like WOW!
Or if sadly ya just can't wait (ants in yer pants!?! really!) we are sellin' these delightful drink-slings fer the still measly $5.50 $4.00 w/ postage paid...why cuz we dig ya dum-dums that much! Like beyond WOW!!
To get yers NOW, click on the purty PayPal button below (be sure to include yer snail mail address with yer order so we know where to bomb-drop these beauties!):

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