Friday, February 26, 2010

Avoid Disappointment & Future Regret...

Snag yerself an official Get Wets koozie! ...your Passport to Partyland!™

Official Get Wets Koozie
Dig the stylish and so-phisticate Get Wets logo emblazoned upon a brite white bottle/can hugger...

"So how do I jump on the bonzo bit and get my filthy mits on this wondrous beverage wrapper?", ya ask...

Well come see us do it to it live and we will gladly exchange 1 primo Get Wets koozie fer only 3 of yer grubby greenbacks, baby! Like WOW!

Official Get Wets Koozie

Or if sadly ya just can't wait (ants in yer pants!?! really!) we are sellin' these delightful drink-slings fer the still measly $5.50 $4.00 w/ postage paid...why cuz we dig ya dum-dums that much! Like beyond WOW!!

To get yers NOW, click on the purty PayPal button below (be sure to include yer snail mail address with yer order so we know where to bomb-drop these beauties!):

I dig cold beverages, baby ...& now ya can dig 'em too!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Get Wets Radio Blast on the Columbia Beet

Holy couch cushions, Batman!

...the Get Wets gonna sog up the radio waves on The Columbia Beet this comin' Friday, February 19th (same day as our premier pound-down at New Brookland if yer hip)

...turn yer rayguns to WUSC FM Columbia and watch out fer fun around 4pm, lollipop kids!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get Wets Gettin' Wet - Official Word from Our Sponser...

The above flyer is thee "official flyer" fer the Get Wets debut drench-fest this Friday at the nutty New Brookland Tavern all in honor of thee with it radio station of the college nation, WUSC-FM...

Rumor has it that (also official) Get Wets cold-beverage-lovin' koozies will be the first on yer block to get the can-hugger ya can't live yer sorry life without!

...dig it and go down with the ship...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feelin' Sappy ...but Still Sleazy

Just a bit of that lovey dovey stuffs to get y'all in the mood

the Troggs "Love Is All Around"

the Phantom "Love Me"

Wilson Pickett "Everybody Needs Somebody to Love"

...but before ya get carried away on this ol' Valentines vibe, remember take care where ya sling yer love around...

Dig it Lovers!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

the Get Wets Finally Get Wet!

It's the Get Wets' 1st Live, In-Person, Splish-Splash Trash Show!
Come out to New Brookland Tavern on February 19th fer all the soggy sights & sounds! Stage time is 9 on the nose...squares beware!

Super swell hand-painted flyer by Get Wets skin-pounder extraordinaire, Mr. Floyd!
...ever so slightly manipulated by yers truly

Dig it, slop supporters!