Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Return of thee Knee Jerks Weekender!

Looks like we got another Jerk-packed weekender comin' up quick like:

the Knee Jerks have the honor of opening up the Dexter Romweber Duo (and I'm a complete spazz fer this musical hero of mine) along side those local los Perdidos boys (and their mighty fine brand of instro-action)'s all shakin' at club Conundrum this Saturday nite...

And to close out the weekend on a wild note, thee Knee Jerks ratchet up the racket with our buds in the Wage Slaves...all to set the stage fer the masked mayhem that is Daikaiju...come sweat out of every pore at the outdoor Foxfield stage Sunday, baby...and the squares said it couldn't be done!