Thursday, October 22, 2009

Behold Black Beauty, Re-beautification Pt. 1

Well shiver me timbers and all that slackjaw swashbucklin' poor ol' Black Beauty had been beggin' fer some flash fer a while now, & we all know a lady gets what she wants sooner or later...let's not call it 'a art thing' quite yet, but turn-heads and gang-way, baby ...cuz I wants yer booty!

Re-beautification part 1 in action:

I commissioned madman-artiste Floyd (who also happens to rap on the cocktail traps fer my band, the Get Wets) to fashion this masterpiece of high-seas tom-flaggery (pictured so meticulous in his work in the above snapshots)...modeled after the wiley Christopher Condent & his very jolly roger, sprinkled with just some good-ol', land-lovin' insanity...aint' she a cutie? Stay tuned fer part two, turkeynecks!