Saturday, October 31, 2009

Obligatory Happy Halloween Howl


Gather 'round spooky kids as we dust the cobwebs off a classic slasher eppy-sode of my old radio program, Rock'N'Roll Radio...this time get terrified by the raucous horror that was the (3rd Annual) Rock'N'Roll Chainsaw Massacre!

Boo-ha-ha indeed, baby...

Trash or Treat...whatever ya are!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wild Wild Sound Wednesday Rerun #1

Ah, the Rerun! ...the classic, shinin' example of creative matter, cuz this post aims to pry podcasts past back to the present--they demand to be heard! Spread the word--these tunes ain't no turds! Multiple spins is the best way to lose unwanted neighbors, loved-ones, and yer insanity!

& the first glorious go-round presented here for yer audio-excitement just so happens to be the hapless wonder that is Wild Wild Sound #1

INSTRO A-GO-GO (pt. 1)!

None o' that silly singin' to get in the way of the rippin', raucous racket!

Download it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Behold Black Beauty, Re-beautification Pt. 1

Well shiver me timbers and all that slackjaw swashbucklin' poor ol' Black Beauty had been beggin' fer some flash fer a while now, & we all know a lady gets what she wants sooner or later...let's not call it 'a art thing' quite yet, but turn-heads and gang-way, baby ...cuz I wants yer booty!

Re-beautification part 1 in action:

I commissioned madman-artiste Floyd (who also happens to rap on the cocktail traps fer my band, the Get Wets) to fashion this masterpiece of high-seas tom-flaggery (pictured so meticulous in his work in the above snapshots)...modeled after the wiley Christopher Condent & his very jolly roger, sprinkled with just some good-ol', land-lovin' insanity...aint' she a cutie? Stay tuned fer part two, turkeynecks!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Real Live Wire: Dexter Romweber Duo at the White Mule

Riled like a rabid bastard, it needs to be said...Dexter Romweber is a living legend...not that I ever had my doubts, but he forever forged his legacy in my mind last nite...

...Dexter, with older sis Sara in perfect tandem, just wailed and weeped fer over an hour at the White Mule...with few in attendance but the diehards for Dex's brand of "hardcore Americana" (to quote Exene Cervenka's glibness), it was fight or fuck time conveyed via his own brand of patented tunes that croon, swoon, & blast-off like a rocket to the moon...

...this is American music goddammit & the Dex Romweber Duo ain't gonna let it die off like some obscure historical fad...Dexter is a trash-rock troubadour, who plays from the soul of all those who influenced him...& Dexter's a big influence on me, continually preachin' his passion in wild shows of emotions and music...& the chain is unbroken, baby...

...& just like Kerouac, the only musicians fer me are the ones "mad to live" and if ya ever doubt Dexter & his ability to communicate those fundamental American desires and dreads, do yerself a favor and catch the 'Duo in action...ya couldn't be disappointed...

Do it to Dex!